R..eal - Integrative statistics with R.

R..eal is an integrative approach to statistical computing in logic programming.
It allows the seamless integration of R code with modern Prolog systems.

R..eal works on current versions of SWI and Yap. It uses R's C interface to efficiently
exchange data between Prolog and the R executable which is ran as an OS shared library.

Sources (0.1.0, 2012/12/26, prepared for SWI packager): real-0.1.0.tgz
Sources (0.1.0, 2012/12/26, prepared for Yap): real-src-0.1.0.tgz
Git: git clone git://www.swi-prolog.org/home/pl/git/packages/real.git
Also available in distribution directory doc/



R..eal can be installed from within SWI using its package manager.

?- pack_install(real).

And then load by :

?- [library(real)].

To install a source distribution:

?- pack_install( 'the_source.tgz' ).

To install from git, replace the pack installed prolog/real.pl and c/real.c. Then:

?- pack_rebuild( real ).


Yap binaries include r..eal (libary(real)), although these are likely to be older versions.

Yap sources include r..eal as a package. Include it in the built by using:

../configure --with-R

To build the release or git sources, replace packages/real with the desired version and build with the configure shown above.


Integrative functional statistics in logic programming.
Nicos Angelopoulos, Vitor Costa Santos, Joao Azevedo, Jan Wielemaker, Rui Camacho and Lodewyk Wessels
In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'12)
January, 2013. Rome, Italy.


To Jan Wielemaker, SWI-Prolog developer, for re-writing the original C code.


Nicos Angelopoulos
Vitor Costa Santos

December, 2012